NYC 16 Hour Lip Stain
These lip stains come in all of the usual colours, like fuschia, plum, red, nude, but unlike other lip stains, these colours actually last. All day. I used Champagne Stain before leaving the house at 9 am and didn't get back until 6pm, I had eaten and drank and by the end of the day, the only effect was that there was a slight fade (although this was completely even) and the 'stain' effect had worn off a little around the edges, but it still looked perfect. Compared to other lipstains I've tried in the past (Chubby Sticks I'm looking at you), these lasted incredibly well and the colour pay off was really good.
The lip stains come with a felt tip applicator, which you may think is low end and slightly childish, but let me tell you that these are really useful when applying a neat line. The tips don't dry too quickly and it's super easy to get a clean line, which in my opinion, is much better than using lipstick and lip liner.
My only negative with these is that they dry very quickly once on the lips so you have to work fast when apply them, and if you make a mistake, be sure to have cotton buds and makeup remover to hand.
I would definitely recommend these to anyone looking for long lasting, smooth lip stains which really work.
PS Store liquid lip stains tip down to ensure that they stay moist and they last longer
Models Co Eyeliner Pencil
I was really surprised that I liked this liner because recently I haven't been so impressed with Model Co products, but this eye liner is such a good deal. It was £2.99 at Superdrug, and for a low end brand, Model Co have done an amazing job. The liner is creamy, light and easy to apply - there's no dryness or stickiness to it, and I would even put in on the same level as my MAC Technakohl liner.
This eye liner is long lasting and doesn't fade easily, which is really convenient for long days or nights out. The lid includes a sharpener, which I find very useful as I constantly lose stand alone sharpeners! Even thought the lid is slightly open, it does a great job protecting the tip and keeps it fresh and moist.
Touch Clear Mascara
This is a really interesting product for me because I never ever use clear mascara; clear mascara is meant to be used over normal mascara to set it and make it last longer, but I find that it weighs the mascara and usually makes it sticky. This clear mascara was given to me by a friend who had never used it and didn't want it any more, so I decided to try it out.
I decided to test it out this week, with nothing underneath it to see what the effect on my lashes would be and I was really surprised at the result. It elongated my lashes and made them appear thicker whilst still retaining their natural look. The mascara goes on easily and isn't sticky at all. I wore this all day and it was still on perfectly by the time I took it off at the end of the day.
I also used this as a brow setter and it was really good for that too, so I recommend this product for anyone who (like me) loves two in ones and multipurpose products. It was super cheap too, at £1.50, this was a steal!
(Disclaimer: Certain pictures may not be mine)